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Animal Quest Review

Animal Quest


July 4, 2024

Historical Fiction - Christian


Jonas is content with being one of two cats living on Farmer Sven’s farm. Afterall, it is run by the most well-regarded and methodical cat there is. He knows she will lead him to a life of harmony. That is until a ship arrives bringing an unwelcome darkness to their world.


Big Bertha is proud of the life she helped create for her human and the rest of the animals on her farm. She runs it with a great deal of authority, but underneath her strict demeanor she loves every single one of her motley crew. So, when a big black evil arrives on her human’s doorstep, she gathers her troops and sets out on a journey towards safety. Will she succeed?


David Bush’s Animal Quest (General Jack and the Battle of the Five Kingdoms #2) illustrates atrocities that occurred in our history’s past. Loosely based on The Black Death of 1349, combined with Catharism, Bush creates a visual of a gruesome period utilizing a unique point of view.


Unaware to the chronicle of events that took place during the mid 1300s, the disbelief and unimaginable cruelty left this reader unable to fully immerse within the story. Yet, with a few profane words along with a lack of sexual content and spelling plus grammatical errors, 3 out of 5 stars is given to this Christian twist of historical fiction.


A metaphorical representation of a brutal duration of time, David Bush’s Animal Quest is an intense read.


Vivid depictions of shocking occurrences may cause one some agitation. Please read with carefulness, should any of the following be unfavorable to oneself: evil spirits, depression, bullying, bleeding, death carts, blood marked doors, plagues, hunger, dehydration, decomposing human bodies, physical and mental abuse, exposed bones, assault, heatstroke, coughing blood, drowning, mobsters, sacrifice, mugging, incarceration, holocaust, delirium, death at child birth, deception, buried alive, betrayal, self-harm, paralysis, smothering, death of infant, arson, abandonment, revenge, and animal cruelty.


Thank you to #AnimalQuest, #GeneralJackAndTheBattleOfTheFiveKingdoms, and #DavidBush for the opportunity to read this book and give my honest review.


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