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Writer's pictureLiterary Lioness

Boy Erased: A Memoir Review

Boy Erased: A Memoir

Riverhead Books

May 10, 2016



How would I describe this book in one word? Monotone.

As a Christian woman who believes ALL God's children deserve love, compassion, acceptance, and equality without judgement, I was ready to get angry, saddened, frustrated, sympathy, all the feels after reading this book's synopsis.

A homosexual man growing up in the Bible Belt inside a home of Missionary Baptists one of which was a preacher! Being sent to an ex-gay establishment to be "taught" how to no longer be who you are! To me that screams outrage, yet that's not what I got.

The jumping around in the timeline, not knowing if we were before Love in Action (LIA), during LIA, or after LIA gave me whiplash. The description of what occurred in LIA was vague and didn't come close to expressing the pain, confusion, despair, anything Garrard felt. There were words on the page, but nothing behind those words.

I hate giving a bad review, especially for a memoir on such a raw sensitive subject. Yet, I believe books should have a purpose, whether that purpose is enjoyment, information, education, morals, or just plain fun. This book was just... monotone.


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